
$ Hi there, I'm |

Kaddy Marindi

Junior software engineer

An aspiring software develop who can hack both front-end and backend, and loves building stuff.

South Africa, Limpopo

my profile picture in black and white.

About Me

I'm Kaddy Marindi, a final year Electrical Engineering student at the University of Witwatersrand, and an aspiring software engineer. I'm curious about how things work, and I prefer learning from the ground up, delving into computer science fundamentals like assembly, Operating systems, and computer networks. My engineering background combined with strong fundamentals of computer science has fuel my ambition to create great software products.

From a young age, I've had a creative aptitude, excelling in pencil drawing and painting. Today, I channel that creativity into programming.

I'm always eager to learn, and seeking new challenges that will grow me as a software developer. I started blogging to improving my communication skills and giving back to the community.


I love reading classic literature and Tech books. Check my reading list.

I bookmark useful learning resource and blogs.

neoVim is my favourite text editor for writing code and notes. You can find my neoVim config here.

An average touch typing speed of 65WPM with an accuracy above 95% for all keys.


Web Development
  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • React.js
  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • RESTful APIs
  • MongoDB
  • Responsive Design
Software Development
  • C/C++
  • OOP
  • Unit Testing
  • Data Structure & Algorithms
  • Linux system programming
Dev Tools
  • GitHub && git
  • Webpack
  • Make
  • DevTools
  • Vim (text editor)
  • Bash
Cloud and deployment
  • Azure
  • Unix/Linux OS
  • Computer Networks
  • Docker
  • CI/CD with Github Actions


  • React.js
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • MongoDB
  • Docker
  • Azure
  • Github Actions

A web application that allows users to create a resume that can easily be modified to tailor to a specif job application. This will easy the burden of maintain multiple version of your resume by providing a single source of truth, where you can edit shared information in multiple resume in one place.

Note: This project is still on its early stage of development.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Jest
  • Node.js
  • Webpack

A battleship game built with vanilla JavaScript and developed using TDD methodology. The player can select the position of the ships and play against a computer.

Restaurant Website
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Node.js
  • Webpack

A single page application built with vanilla Javascript. The idea behind the website was to understand the pain points of managing an app state without a framework like react.js, and implement routing usig javscript.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Node.js
  • Webpack

A Tic-tac-toe game with a multipler mode, where you can play against another person, and single player mode against a computer. The game keeps track of the player scores, wins and draws.

Parallel NEC2++
  • C++
  • MPI
  • OpenMP
  • BLAS
  • Make

This project parallelizes the Electromagnetic Numerical Code (NEC) to boost computational performance. By leveraging a hybrid approach with OpenMP and MPI libraries, the NEC2++ code is optimized for shared and distributed memory parallelization. The computationally intensive operations -- namely, matrix filling, LU decomposition, and matrix solution solve -- are analyzed and parallelized. Notably, an eight-node implementation yields a 4 times performance gain.

Super Pac-Man
  • C++
  • SFML
  • doctest

Is a clone of the classic Super Pac-Man game, built with C++17 and using SFML library for graphics. The game archives feature parity with the original Super Pac-man game. The source code is improved by using OOP and modularizing it into three layers: presentation, data and logic layer. The code is unit-tested using doctest to limit regression bugs during development.

Towards a COVID-19 model to inform healthcare policy
  • Python

This project aims to identify two significant tipping points in the COVID-19 pandemic: (1) the (re-)emergence of wave outbreaks and (2) the strain on hospital capacity. By utilizing early warning signals (EWS) and analyzing real-time data from Italy and South Africa, effective indicators have been discovered. Additionally, the SEI[H]RD compartmental model allows for a comprehensive evaluation of hospital capacity, considering regular beds, ICU beds, and ventilator beds.