

I bookmark good reads, books and blog articles; free online learning resource; and Youtube videos.

Blog posts

  1. Do the real Thing by Scott H. Young, where he talks about doing the real work instead of fake easy work.
  2. Breaking Out Of Tutorial Hell by SeattleDataGuy.
  3. Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years by Peter Norvig
  4. 12 resolutions for grad students by Mattmight is a good starting point to find aspiration to work toward achieving.
  5. What every computer science major should know by Mattmight
  6. YouTube addiction: binge watching videos became my 'drug of choice' | YouTube | The Guardian
  7. How intelligence leads to avoidance a YouTube video by Dr. K, Harvard Psychiatrist.
  8. Creating vs learning
    How to be a great programmer | John Carmack and Lex Fridman
  9. Boost your productivity: Cripple your technology by Mattmight is about deliberately limiting the capabilities of your technology to reduce procrastination.
  10. What Is Eat the Frog? A Dead Simple System for Productivity Minimalists speaks to doing your most difficult and important task first everyday.


  1. Modern Fluid Typography Using CSS Clamp — Smashing Magazine
  2. The type system - Material Design
  3. Consistent, Fluidly Scaling Type and Spacing | CSS-Tricks - CSS-Tricks
  4. Fluid Responsive Design | Utopia
  5. Type Scale - A Visual Calculator
  6. Typography – Material Design 3


  1. How to Create and Manipulate DOM Nodes in Vanilla JS | by Hajime Yamasaki Vukelic | JavaScript in Plain English
  2. Replace Create React App recommendation with Vite by t3dotgg · Pull Request #5487 · reactjs/react.dev


  1. Debugging Components with React Developer Tools | Pluralsight

Free Courses

  1. web.dev is a collection of free courses (in written form) that are created by Google developers on key web development topics such as HTML, CSS, Responsive design, and Accessibility.
  2. An Introduction to Statistical Learning accompanied by Stanford Univkrsity: Statistical Learning | edX.
  3. The Odin Project is a community-driven course with two learning path: Full stack JavaScript and Full stack Ruby on Rails. This course is project base with minimal hand-holding.
  4. Learn X in Y Minutes: Scenic Programming Language Tours provides a short and effective summary, with concise code examples and explanations, for various programming languages and tools to get you started working with the technology quickly.
  5. JavaScript.info is a reputable resource with high quality and well explained JavaScript tutorials from the basic to advanced concepts.
  1. How to get a job as a web developer | Happy Bear Software | Web Application Development
  2. How I Got Hired Contributing to open source projects - DEV Community


  1. A beginner’s guide to writing documentation — Write the Docs
  2. Best practices for writing code comments - Stack Overflow


  1. Debouncing and Throttling Explained Through Examples
  2. javascript - Reactjs separation of UI and business logic - Stack Overflow
  3. javascript - Do DOM tree elements with IDs become global properties? - Stack Overflow
  4. "Simple Made Easy" - Rich Hickey (2011) - YouTube
  5. Using classes - JavaScript | MDN


On writing

Three books that I found indispensable to my writing journey. They are not
arranged in order of importance; I found them equal importance.

On programming
